So today I've been reading through all the blogs I've subscribed to but never look at, lol. I came across one that I think will make the top 10 list, just so I can keep up with his posts. The blog is BLACKGIRLSAREEASY.BLOGSPOT.COM ... and I will admit that the only reason I even clicked on it is becasue I was ready to read this fool for such a ratchet damn blog title. However, after reading through some posts I realized that although the blog title is very ignorant (he admitted it as well) he really isn't. It's actually a blog about relationships or in some cases just relations, from a man's POV. I'd check it out, ladies ... if only for a peak inside the mind of man who seems to have done it all AND actually learned something from it!
SN ... the title quote is very, very true ☺
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Every Woman Needs a Plan! Book Trailer
Short & Sweet ... Purchase your copy today ...
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
{{Worrying about the next person will get you know where fast ... Focus on whats important: which is YOU becoming the best YOU possible.}}
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
If you're in the market for a Puppy ...
The Rotti Pups are ready for sale! Each Pup is $800 male or female and can be picked on first come, first serve basis ... for more details or to place your order please email me your phone number Puppies are full breed Rottweilers and are up to date with shots. I have 3 Rotts ... they are awesome with kids and great watch dogs!
Dad & Mom
Single Puppy
Group Shot
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
The Rotties are getting so big & cute!!
They're actually just starting to walk and look around ... more pics coming soon! I'm a proud G'ma, lol!!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Revisiting the Services I offer ...
Below are a list of the services that I now offer! If you have any questions or want to request a quote please email
√ Editing ... $0.75/page or $125/200 pages
√ Written Articles ... $0.15/per word
√ Bulk Orders of EWNAP ... email for price/discount quote
√ Public Speaking Events ... Ciara Denise may be available to speak at your event free of charge! Please email for details.
√ Every Woman Lifestyle™ Coaching sessions ... The Every Woman lifestlye is about the woman who wants to be able to do all the things she loves to do for the people she loves and still have time to show herself some love. Through time-management and organizational skills you can learn to fit all the elements of a "Lovely" life into yours with time to spare! Email me at for more information.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Every Woman should know ...
When to walk away and when to keep fighting.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
What's Up?!?!?
Working, working, working!
That's what I've been up to ☺ Working hard on some projects that I can not wait to tell you about.
But, I will! Because I want everything to run smoothly before I break the round running!
As you already know, my debut Motivation book has been officially released!!
"Every Woman Needs a Plan" can be purchased at (Just enter my name or the book's title) or directly from my site The is also a link on this page that will direct you straight to it! I'm very proud and I've already got more projects in the making, including EWNAP part II ... stay tuned ☺ ♥Thank you to all of my supporters!! You are greatly appreciated ♥
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Monday Job Spotlight!
Bloggers with own blog wanted Fashion, Clothing, Jewellery, Home Interiors Home DIY
We re looking for bloggers who don t just write great posts but have their own established blog too. We re currently looking for bloggers whose blog falls into ONE of the following categories Fashion Blog For Example If your blog focuses mainly on fashion orientated content such as fashion designers, fashion trends, clothing, jewellery and accessories. Jewellery Blog For Example If your blog focuses on jewellery orientated content such as jewellery designers, trends and perhaps other accessories and gifts. Home Interior and DIY Blog For Example If your blog focuses on Interior Design, Interior Style, furnishings and fittings and DIY ideas and advice. We d like you to write well written articles on your own blog based around a topic set by us. The article must contain one follow link to a URL using the anchor text as specified by us and be between 300 400 words long and remain on your blog permanently. The URLs we will ask you to link to will include things your readers will be interested in reading about. You have the freedom to take the angle you like on the story so it fits into your blog while still maintaining the topic we set for you. The payment will vary depending on the popularity and strength of your blog. However, there is the potential to earn between 10 and 20 per post. We prefer self hosted blogs which have been live for 6 months or more and which have some page rank and back links. We are currently only looking for Fashion blogs, Clothing blogs, and Home Interior and Home DIY blogs. If your blog focuses on one of the above topics and you would like to earn some money whilst blogging about topics that your readers will enjoy, then get in touch How to apply Email georgiegallop, for additional information. Please ensure to send the URL of the blog for consideration no CVs are required.
This job posting is via Please click HERE to apply to this job and thousands more!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
We re looking for bloggers who don t just write great posts but have their own established blog too. We re currently looking for bloggers whose blog falls into ONE of the following categories Fashion Blog For Example If your blog focuses mainly on fashion orientated content such as fashion designers, fashion trends, clothing, jewellery and accessories. Jewellery Blog For Example If your blog focuses on jewellery orientated content such as jewellery designers, trends and perhaps other accessories and gifts. Home Interior and DIY Blog For Example If your blog focuses on Interior Design, Interior Style, furnishings and fittings and DIY ideas and advice. We d like you to write well written articles on your own blog based around a topic set by us. The article must contain one follow link to a URL using the anchor text as specified by us and be between 300 400 words long and remain on your blog permanently. The URLs we will ask you to link to will include things your readers will be interested in reading about. You have the freedom to take the angle you like on the story so it fits into your blog while still maintaining the topic we set for you. The payment will vary depending on the popularity and strength of your blog. However, there is the potential to earn between 10 and 20 per post. We prefer self hosted blogs which have been live for 6 months or more and which have some page rank and back links. We are currently only looking for Fashion blogs, Clothing blogs, and Home Interior and Home DIY blogs. If your blog focuses on one of the above topics and you would like to earn some money whilst blogging about topics that your readers will enjoy, then get in touch How to apply Email georgiegallop, for additional information. Please ensure to send the URL of the blog for consideration no CVs are required.
This job posting is via Please click HERE to apply to this job and thousands more!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
1st Day of school, The Lewis Crew
It's been a while since I've posted personal pics, so here you go! 2 down, 1 to go ☺
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Girl Talk
From the moment that I knew I was pregnant, I knew she was a girl. It wasn't just the fact that I felt just about every pregnancy symptom imaginable within 3 weeks of conceiving right up until the day that I delivered her (It's an old wives tale that girls make you sicker during pregnancy due to increased estrogen). It was a connection that I felt almost immediately. There is absolutely nothing like the bond between mother and daughter. She's my best friend and the most hilarious person that I know. She's taught me so much about myself and life in general, just as I'm teaching her as we go along in this journey together. Life is always the best teacher, but at least she knows that she will never have to face any obstacle alone.
Raising my daughter to be a strong, smart and independent woman is one of my top priorities. Too many young girls are falling short of the simple and basic principles of life, like pride and self respect. A lot of the traps that our babies are falling into can easily be avoided with just a little womans' intuition. The problem is that we aren't being taught or are not teaching just how to listen to that intuition. We're giving away our power by the loads full simply because we don't know how to use it and it has to start somewhere. It should start at home because please believe that while you are awaiting the right time to bring it up, she's learning from everything else around her. TV or friends who really don't know anymore than her; The blind leading the blind!
This is an important matter that will continue to resurface until we really start paying attention. Not trying to control or change them, but getting involved in their lives so you know whats going on. Maintaining the bond so that you can tell when somethings wrong, when it's time to ease up and let them find their way, or when its time to pull the parent card! There is no sure fire way to ensure that your children will blossom into a model citizens, but when you equip them with the right tools & knowledge you can rest assured that you did your part.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Author's Official Site
Raising my daughter to be a strong, smart and independent woman is one of my top priorities. Too many young girls are falling short of the simple and basic principles of life, like pride and self respect. A lot of the traps that our babies are falling into can easily be avoided with just a little womans' intuition. The problem is that we aren't being taught or are not teaching just how to listen to that intuition. We're giving away our power by the loads full simply because we don't know how to use it and it has to start somewhere. It should start at home because please believe that while you are awaiting the right time to bring it up, she's learning from everything else around her. TV or friends who really don't know anymore than her; The blind leading the blind!
This is an important matter that will continue to resurface until we really start paying attention. Not trying to control or change them, but getting involved in their lives so you know whats going on. Maintaining the bond so that you can tell when somethings wrong, when it's time to ease up and let them find their way, or when its time to pull the parent card! There is no sure fire way to ensure that your children will blossom into a model citizens, but when you equip them with the right tools & knowledge you can rest assured that you did your part.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Author's Official Site
Monday Job Spotlight
For the moms looking for sublimental income working from home, check out this neat website that I ran across ... {{Work at Home Mom}}
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Every Woman should know ...
how to prevail in the mist of disappointment.
No matter what the disappointment is: lost loved one, failed relationship, not where you want to be in life, etc. you must know and understand that your current situation is not permanent. If you are continuously striving to better yourself, good things will come with time. Just hold on!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
No matter what the disappointment is: lost loved one, failed relationship, not where you want to be in life, etc. you must know and understand that your current situation is not permanent. If you are continuously striving to better yourself, good things will come with time. Just hold on!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
It's About Time
It is week 3 and I am too ashamed of my non-progress to post, lmao {I wish it was that easy!} I plan to come back strong next week, though. SO, stay tuned ;-) ...
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Monday Job Spotlight!
Work from home for real with . Just sign up & see if you qualify. Easy, seriously.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Share your story to inspire & motivate others ...
It's About Time ... Part III
August 15/Week 3/2 lbs
Not a big difference from last week, but a difference none the less ... I'm happily moving along with the workout regimen. Can't wait until I can fit back into my skinny jeans ... and then have to go by smaller ones!! Ready to kick it up a notch!!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Every Woman should know ...
... how to accept a compliment!
A simple thank you is good enough. No need to deny or defend ... just accept it and let it do it's job ;-)
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Get Lost ...
... in thought with some feel good tunes! Take time out for yourself at least 1 hour everyday. Everyone around you will thank you for it, lol!!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Try as you might ...
... You can not control other people! No matter who they are or what you do for them. Everyone has a mind of their own. Even in cases of influence, it may seem as if you can persaud someone to do the things that you want them to but they still have to agree to do it. It is a painful reality, especially when it comes to your children. But once accepted, it's freeing. Trust that you have done your part and it is now up to them to live thier lives.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Job Spotligt Monday -
Looking to work online from home??? Look no further ... this site is updated daily with online gigs, both temp and ongoing!
♥Ciara ... Let me know how it goes!!
Check out my Official Site
Current Contest!!!
Send your "Every Woman" story to for a chance to win a cool prize! More details HERE.
It's About Time ... Part II
August 8/Week 2/4 lbs
I'm at the start of week two and I feel pretty confidant about this go round! I've already lost 4 lbs by watching what I'm eating {{how much mainly!}} and working out. I'm even more pumped because I think I got a schedule that I can stick with for the long run which makes all the difference for me. I will switch out in a minute if I feel like it won't fit in my schedule.
That's all for now: short & sweet!
Share your tips! Let me know what keeps you on point & motivated for the long run ... I need all the help I can get!!!
Every Woman should know ...
... How to be alone and still enjoy herself!
You can take this in any context you'd like ... it's all relevant. If you don't enjoy your own company or you don't know what gets you to where you need to go, how can you expect someone else to? Stop looking for something {or someone} to get into every night of the week. Spend some time getting to know what makes you tick ... what makes you smile ... what makes you happy. No one is going to do it for you ... ♥Ciara Denise
Getting Connected ...

What do you do that brings you closer to yourself on a daily basis???
Update Wednesday!
Wednesday is officially the day for updates .... so here they are!
I'm trying out some what of a schedule .... {Sunday} It's About Time - my personal journal {Monday} Job Spotlight {Tuesday} Relationship articles {Wednesday} Updates {Thursday} Spiritual Articles/Products {Friday} Every Woman should know series {Saturday} Weekly recap in Pics ... I'll still be posting whatever comes to mind on those days but you can look forward to the days' specific topic as well!
Link Share ... take advantage of my viewers & visitors by adding your link to my sites AND return the favor by adding my links to yours! Free advertising!
EWNAP Virtual Book Release Tour! More details coming soon!!
Is it You???

- If your life is consistently on high drama ... it may be you. Drama can be addictive and I, myself am guilty of subconsciously falling into common traps of it. Once I realized this, I started making a conscience effort to avoid drama-filled situations and people ... and what do you know ... less drama.
- If you never ever feel the need to apologize because you are never wrong ... it may be you. Everyone has their days, no one is perfect and most disagreements are easily squashed with a simple "I apologize for ..." If you feel that you are never in the wrong, chances are: You are the problem. Sometimes you may only need to apologize for your reaction to some one else's imperfection. Whatever the case is, life is simpler when you apologize and let it go.
- If you find yourself holding on to old grudges ... it's definitely You! He who angers you, controls you {Author unknown}. Don't allow the past to hinder your present life situation. There is absolutely no need for it. This does not mean to forget and not learn from the experience, it only means to forgive and move on. Take the lesson with you, but leave the ill feelings where they are because they only make you feel worse.
- If you just don't feel the love ... it may be you. Relationships should always be 50/50, but not necessarily in the same way. I may be the friend that you can call and cry to, but you may not be that friend for me. However, you are the friend that I can call for information on anything when I need it or you may be the friend that I hang out with. Don't expect people to love you the way that you love. They are not you. You're only setting yourself up for failure. Accept people for who they are and you'll see how easy it is to recognize the good in them and if it still isn't easy, then it's time to re-evaluate the relationship.
- If you take and never give or vise versa ... it maybe you. Selfishness is never in season. It's obvious, ugly and only leads to resentment. Now, that doesn't mean give, give, give until you have nothing left. If you're giving your all to someone, they should be filling you up in return. Don't waste your time on one way takers.
- If it's always someone else's fault ... it may be you. You didn't finish school because your parents weren't supportive. You can't be faithful because your mate doesn't keep you satisfied. You didn't make it to work because your friends wanted to hang out late. COW MANURE! You have to take responsibility for yourself and your decisions. Otherwise, shut up and deal with whatever "they" give you.
Just in case you didn't get the message ... it's mostly always YOU. Only you have the power to make you happy. It's no one else's responsibility. If you are unhappy with someone or something, figure out why. If it's worth fixing, fix it. If not, replace it. Harboring ill feelings only pollutes you. Deal with the matter and move on ... life is much simpler that way.
♥Ciara Denise
Visit my Official Website
Monday Job Spotlight
This weekly section is for any one who is currently looking for employment. Whenever I run across an awesome website, individual posting, or tips for resume writing, interviewing, etc. I will post it under this label ... is this weeks spotlight! JobNab is designed to work in favor of the job seeker vs. the employer like most job sites. They ensure that you are right for the job and vice versa by posting as much information as possible and providing a thorough screening process. Make sure you sign up today if you are looking for employment!
♥Ciara Denise
Pre-order EWNAP here is this weeks spotlight! JobNab is designed to work in favor of the job seeker vs. the employer like most job sites. They ensure that you are right for the job and vice versa by posting as much information as possible and providing a thorough screening process. Make sure you sign up today if you are looking for employment!
♥Ciara Denise
Pre-order EWNAP here
Every Woman Needs a Giveaway!! Part II
It's that time again! To enter the contest send an email to detailing your story of being an "Every Woman". Contestants must also be a subscriber to the Cc's Notebook Newsletter and a fan of the Cc's Notebook Facebook Fanpage to qualify. The most compelling story with supporting evidence and compliance with all rules will be announced the winner. For the definition of an "Every Woman" please visit HERE. Winner will be announced on September 5, 2010 during a virtual Meet & Greet with me, Author Ciara Denise. The Virtual event will be held on the last day of the EWNAP Virtual Book Release Tour, more details are coming soon! The Prize will be the pictured EWNAP Travel Mug ... more prizes will be given out throughout the Book Tour to participants! If you have any questions please email them to as well.
It's About Time
August 1/ Week 1/ 0 lbs.
I would love to start this off by saying that I'm getting back in shape after having my baby! But let's be real ... my "baby" just turned 3 years old last month. I've long since run out that as a legitimate excuse! Every since I can remember compiling my very first 'New Years Resolution List' there has been one item that never fails to make the top 5 ... one point that I never seem to be able to mark off ... one check mark that NEVER makes the cut. Losing weight as always been an issue for me. I've been up and down most of my life and even during the times where I was happy with the way I've looked, I was never happy with the numbers. The scale and I have continued a love-hate relationship since we've been acquainted and I'm ready to change it all now. Why now? Because I realized recently that if I'd been serious about this from day one, it would all be behind me already, literally. Every time an event comes up I think,"I'd be ready by now if I would have started months ago!" Well, let's just call today "months ago" because that's exactly what it will be when I look back in a few months! When it comes time to compile that list of things I want to accomplish in 2011, I will really have to sit down and think about it because there will be no leftovers from 2010! Everything that I've wanted to accomplish thus far is well on it's way, if not completed ... the big move {check} ... starting my own company {check} ... publishing my first book {check} 2010 has shown me that absolutely nothing is holding me back so there is absolutely no reason for me not to be in the best shape of my life. The Plan has been printed out and posted on my fridge AND my bathroom mirror. The alarm clock has been set, the ipod is ready ... It's about time!
Link Share!
It's simple ...
I'll post your link if you post mine!
That was simple, right?!?!?
Just post my link: and/or on your site {{anywhere!}} and leave your link in the comments ... I'll handle the rest ;-). You can check back in a day or so under my LINK SHARE section to the right.
Remember ... sharing is caring ... lol.
Finally Settled In
It's been about a month or so since the big move and we're finally settled in! Whew, that was hard work and I'm glad it's over!!! I'm loving Orlando, thus far and can't wait to start exploring more of my new world. Now that we're pretty much back to our normal schedule, I'll be writing and updating alot more. This year is turning out to be really awesome. The kids are starting school, my book will be officially released very soon, we're even working on a family business. Life is good and it's all based on the decisions that you make ... DECIDE WISELY!
♥ Ciara
Where's Daddy???
If you follow this blog, you know that the Lewis fam has been in the process of moving to Orlando, FL. Last week, the Hubby packed up just about everything we own and went to set up our new home. For an entire week I was bombarded with, "Mommy, where's Daddy??" atleast 3 times a day!! It drove me up the wall, but I know that they miss him! He's a wonderful daddy and I want the world to know it! There should be more like you, babes!!
{SN: I missed him, too ;-)}
Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers that make a way
no matter the circmstance!
Updates ... Coming Soon!
We're working hard over here to ensure that we can provide you with more opportunities and tools to start living a life you'll love! Coming soon to the LoveYourLife section of my website, you will find more affiliate links for fashions, make-up, home decor, organizing & cleaning tips ... Everything you could possibly need. Including employment opportunites ... traditional and work from home ops that are great for the woman who wants to be a stay work @ home mom/wife/single lady or make a little extra on the side without the hassle of commuting to a second job. Here's a little preview of what's to come: WORK FROM HOME OPS! This is all in addition to the ebooks, ecourses and self assessments that will be available in the LYL section as well ... so make sure you stop by and stay tuned for more updates!!
If you are interested in your company and/or product being featured, please email me ...
If you are interested in your company and/or product being featured, please email me ...

IMPOSSIBLE ... is nothing.
I heard this song about a week ago while watching Basketball Wives and immediately fell in love. It's been awhile since I heard a song that made me feel the lyrics. I'm always a sucker for a good ballad and heartbreak lyrics. I'm not even going through what Shontelle is singing about, but I sure can remember a time when I was ... and it seems to me that she has stolen that page straight from my journal. I can remember feeling like I would never get over certain things that certain people did. I can remember feeling so stupid because I truly felt that it was IMPOSSIBLE for that certain person to do what they did. But with time and experience you come to realize that nothing is ever IMPOSSIBLE ... absolutely nothing. The word itself says ... IM POSSIBLE {Audrey Hepburn} and now I apply this to every element of my life. Everything is POSSIBLE ...
Check out my Website Here
Preorder Every Woman Needs a Plan
Check out my Website Here
Preorder Every Woman Needs a Plan
The fine art of "NO"
Your mom needs you to run to the store. The hubby needs his dry cleaning picked up. The kids are bored. Your friend needs advice. Dinner needs to be cooked. The floor needs to be mopped. The dishes won't clean themselves. Your assignment is due. The boss wants to know where your report is right now!
And all you want to do is run and hide!
The thing about being overwhelmed is that it makes you not want to do anything or better yet ... FACE anything. For fear that there is more to come. That the demands will never stop. The truth: they won't. Some-one will always need some-thing from you, just as you will always need some-one for some-thing. It's the way of the world, we're all co-dependent at our best. The trick is in prioritizing what's important and learning to SAY NO to whats not.
And all you want to do is run and hide!
The thing about being overwhelmed is that it makes you not want to do anything or better yet ... FACE anything. For fear that there is more to come. That the demands will never stop. The truth: they won't. Some-one will always need some-thing from you, just as you will always need some-one for some-thing. It's the way of the world, we're all co-dependent at our best. The trick is in prioritizing what's important and learning to SAY NO to whats not.
Telling someone you love or care about that you WON'T be able to meet a request of thiers may make you feel like a bad person, but I like to think of it as doing that person a favor. Seriously, I'm not joking! Consider this: If I say yes to something that I either really don't have time to do or really don't want to do, how good of a job am I really going to do?! Not only that, when it doesn't come from the heart it looses its effect. You become resentful and have an "attitude" about the task and/or person and nothing good comes from that. You feel like the person "owes" you something and when it's not reciprocated for whatever reason, your resentment grows. Or you spread yourself so thin that even though you don't mind helping out, you're tired and cranky ... and it shows. Either way, it's best to just be honest about what you are really feeling. If you have room for more on your plate and you don't mind helping, go for it! But, when you start to feel overwhelmed or better yet, once you know you're at the capacity of what you can handle before you start to feel overwhelmed, let it be known. You'll save yourself the stress, you'll save yourself time, and most importantly you'll save your relationships. People have no choice but to respect honesty. They may not like it, but if they choose to maintain the relationship they will respect it and it will free them up to be more honest with you as well. They have probably come to you in the first place because they know you'll do a good job ... why jeopardize that rep by performing below standard because you really didn't have time to focus on the task?!?!?! A good friend or family member will understand that you'd do anything for them under normal circumstances. You have to take care of yourself or everyone suffers.
Mom can ask your brother that sits in his room all day with his headphones to head to the store, and maybe Hubby can pick up his own dry cleaning since he's out anyway. The kids can bust the suds if they don't have anything better to do! While, you breeze through your assignment and the report with ease due to your clear mind and relaxed state! Okay, maybe in a perfect world but you get my point. Somethings can be worked out and once everyone is on the same accord the ship will run much more smoothly. There will definitely be more family-fun nights versus family-vent nights!
♥ Cc
Every Woman Needs a ... GIVEAWAY!!!!
It's time for our very1st give-away & it's all about being an "Every Woman". We all have dreams and sometimes all you need is a little push to get your mojo cranked up! "Every Woman Needs a Plan: For the Woman that wants to do it all & still have time for herself! is a must have when you're REALLY ready to attain the life you REALLY want. EWNAP spells out everything you should know about how to decide, devise, and develop all the elements that make up the life you REALLY want in a down to earth way. Ciara Denise is simply letting you in on the conversation she's having on how she herself keeps up with her day to day life as a mother and wife, while holding down a full time career AND pursuing her passion as a writer! You got exhausted just reading that, didn't you?!?! But she's no special case. Women every where are stepping up to live their lifes' dream while not wanting to sacrifice the family life in the process. And who says you can't have both? With a little planning and a lot of hard work absolutely nothing is impossible. Every Woman can do it … with a plan! So, beginning with everyone who has purchased the book since it's release and ending on May 31, 2010 EVERY WOMAN (and man, get one for the woman in your life!) that pre-orders their copy will be entered into a raffle to win the $100 VISA giftcard pictured above ... which basically means that not only do you get your book for FREE, you get it for FREE about 4X's over! Pretty nice, right?! I know ☺ ... GET YOUR PLAN, LADIES ... no excuse!

Coming up soon ....

• The Simple Art of "No" ... & Why you NEED to learn it!!
• Ebook: 10 little things that take up BIG time!
• EWNAP Pre-Order Raffle details!
• Getting back to YOU!
I'm an EARTH DAY baby!

SO ... that's all me, guys. What about you?! Let me know your plans for your BornDay, whether it's been celebrated already or it's rapidly approaching!
Pre-Order Your Copy of Every Woman Needs a Plan Today!
Oh, what a day?!
Today was just one of those days where everything that could go wrong ... did!!! So why am I smiling (not that you can see ☺)??? Because my life is NOT about one day ... it's about the whole picture. And when I look at the whole picture ... I can't help but smile ☺.
Services by Cc!
Below are a list of the services that I now offer! If you have any questions or want to request a quote please email
Editing ... $0.75/page or $125/over 200 pages
Written Articles ... $0.15/word count
Bulk Orders of EWNAP ... email for price/discount quote
Public Speaking Events ... Ciara Denise may be available to speak at your event free of charge! Please email for details.
Editing ... $0.75/page or $125/over 200 pages
Written Articles ... $0.15/word count
Bulk Orders of EWNAP ... email for price/discount quote
Public Speaking Events ... Ciara Denise may be available to speak at your event free of charge! Please email for details.
Cc's Randoms ... what's yours?!
It really has been a loong time since I've blogged & it feels so good to be back! I've missed you guys and can't wait to meet of all the new readers. I put together this little random list about me & would love, love, love it if you guys let me in some on some RANDOMS about you! Here goes ...
- I cry @ just about every movie I watch (yes, even comedies ... theres always something sad hidden b/t the lines)
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my ATF (all time fav) cereal.
- I'm a Certified Paralegal, CAM (Community Association Manager) & Property Management
- I listen to Audio books to unwind ( I know ☺)
- I've been with my fiance for 6 years ... we'll wed on the 7th ... can't wait!
- I've been writing since I was 10 years old & I have every journal I've ever written ... under lock & key, of course!
- I love the simplicity of Country Music and the 'feel good' effect of R&B.
- I tink Sterling Knight is waaaay too perfect ... something has to be wrong with him.
- I still watch Saturday morning cartoons ... even if the kiddies aren't home
- I've been on my own since I was 17.
- I divorced MYSPACE for FACEBOOK ... sorry Myspace, you were my first but I grew up.
- I LOVE being a Mommy ... even though pregnancy was never nice to me.
- I'm still tendered headed ... which is why I stick with my natural hair (most of the time ☺)
- I ♥ staying in hotels {beautiful scenery + room service = bliss for any woman running a full house}
- I'm the 'go-to' friend ... not the hang out buddy {I simply can not hang ... and I'm okay with that ;-)}
- I used to want a puppy ... and then I had kids.
- I do have 3 Rotties, Sasha, Cleo & Scooby ... all the Hubby's responsibility ☺
- I DREAM in real life. You should try it ...
So, there you have it! All me & now it's your turn!! It doesn't have to be as long as mine, lol.
Let me see it ...
Do you have a Plan?!
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are indeed Every Woman!
Being Every Woman simply means that you take on many different hats to fulfill whatever goals you have for yourself and your family. You stop at nothing and allow nothing to block you from living a life you truly love!
So often, we set out to do all the things we love and soon realize that some element suffers, usually ourselves. It doesn't have to be this way and I can show you how you can do & be it all ... and still have time for yourself!
What's Your Plan?
Seriously, take a moment and answer that question. Do you know what it is that you want out of life? Do you know how to go about getting that? Do you know how to organize and maintain everything else in your life so that you actually have time to do & get what you REALLY want?
No? Well then, how do you expect to get what you want? I got this one ... you don't.
It's really very simple. If you have no idea of what you want or how you can get it, chances are you won't get it. It will continue to feel like a dream. Something that you have to be asleep to actually enjoy or even believe in. What you should know is that absolutely A.N.Y.THING that you want in life is possible and the necessary second step is to believe it. When you believe it, you expect it. When you expect it, you align yourself with everything that comes with it.
Notice whats missing yet? ... "IT"
In order for you to believe in something you have to know exactly what "it" is. You have to know that "it" is possible and the only way to do is to figure out how it can be possible.
The absolute first step in getting what you want is to KNOW what you want.
EWNAP focuses on self-love, time management, and goal setting skills to help women clear out mental and physical clutter. This is the only way to figure out and to make room for what you really want in your life!
What will you learn from EWNAP?
√ Direct instructions on how to create your very own Life Plan!
√ Simple tips to erase clutter & chaos from your mind, your home, & your life!
√ An essential cleaning guide & tips for any woman caring for a family & a home!
√ Daily rituals & routines that take the high out of high-maintenance without forfeiting results!
√ A workbook that guides you through the thought process to Loving your Life!
√ Much, much more for the Woman that wants to do & be it all!
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