It's time for our very1st give-away & it's all about being an "Every Woman". We all have dreams and sometimes all you need is a little push to get your mojo cranked up! "Every Woman Needs a Plan: For the Woman that wants to do it all & still have time for herself! is a must have when you're REALLY ready to attain the life you REALLY want. EWNAP spells out everything you should know about how to decide, devise, and develop all the elements that make up the life you REALLY want in a down to earth way. Ciara Denise is simply letting you in on the conversation she's having on how she herself keeps up with her day to day life as a mother and wife, while holding down a full time career AND pursuing her passion as a writer! You got exhausted just reading that, didn't you?!?! But she's no special case. Women every where are stepping up to live their lifes' dream while not wanting to sacrifice the family life in the process. And who says you can't have both? With a little planning and a lot of hard work absolutely nothing is impossible. Every Woman can do it … with a plan! So, beginning with everyone who has purchased the book since it's release and ending on May 31, 2010 EVERY WOMAN (and man, get one for the woman in your life!) that pre-orders their copy will be entered into a raffle to win the $100 VISA giftcard pictured above ... which basically means that not only do you get your book for FREE, you get it for FREE about 4X's over! Pretty nice, right?! I know ☺ ... GET YOUR PLAN, LADIES ... no excuse!

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