April 22, 2010 was not only my 25th bornday and a special Little B's 2nd. It was Earth Day's 40th bornday as well! 2010 as a whole is unrolling to be an amazing year on so many levels for so many people. For one, it is running by ... can you believe we are already days away from May?!?!?! I, myself have accomplished so much and have watched the people I love and associate with do the same. It's more than obvious that there is something special about
this year.
Maybe it's the platform of change we've experienced as People that has us all beliving that, YES, WE CAN! or
maybe it's just plain old desperation to believe in something other than all the scandals popping up around us. Whatever the reason, the outcome is just beautiful. Whatever it takes for people to realize their own worth and potential is a great enough reason for me. If we're all moving forward, the past will have no choice but to catch up!

So, this year the Hubby surprised me with a Mini Bahamas Cruise! Right on time, let me tell you ... I was in desperate need for a break. Working fulltime, finishing up with school and you already know about my household (hubby, three toddlers, & now 3 doggies if you don't)! Throw in writing a book, an e-book, several e-courses, posts, setting up websites, and all the tiny, little details that go into actually producing a book independently ... whew! Starting a company and preparing for a BIG move. Yes, I did mean it when I said I was busy during my little hiatus! I really really needed that, so the Hubby got major points. I also set up a little dinner for a few of my fav ladies just because I haven't been able to spend any real time with most of them and miss them sooo much! Plus I'll be leaving my home town more sooner than later and really need to make time for the ones who have truly stuck by me through it all ... and I do mean through it all, lol!

The last thing I'm doing to celebrate the big 2-5 is also to celebrate the 40th anny for Earth Day since I am an Earth Day baby☺. Something small and personal in addition to the more public events we do as a family. I decided I wanted to plant a tree that we could watch grow as we grow closer as a family, as a people, as a world. However, since we decided to make the move I figured I'd either have to wait until we got into the new home and never move again or do something a little more portable, lol. Portable won and I decided to grow a Bonsai tree. Which is just a miniature version of a regular tree that takes just as long to grow. I've been doing some research and I still have a long way to go. I have to decide what kind of tree and get some more training on taking care of one, but it's definitely something that I will beginning once we're settled in!
SO ... that's all me, guys. What about you?! Let me know your plans for your BornDay, whether it's been celebrated already or it's rapidly approaching!
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