Getting Connected ...
Being spiritual to me goes beyond what religion I believe in or who I feel has the ultimate say so in what eventually happens to us as a people. Being spiritual to me is more about MY SPIRIT. It's about me doing what I need to do to be more in touch with what makes me happy or what keeps me connected. In order for the elements of your life to flow together they have to be connected. For me, it's as simple as the time I spend alone. Since I was a little girl I've understood the importance of silence. Being still and just listening. Seldom do you find any answers in the wake of chaos. When things get to busy for me or when I begin to feel like something is wrong, I make a way to be by myself. Granted - with 3 toddlers, the hubby, work, writing, blogging, 3 dogs, house keeping, cooking and everything else that pops up in my life - it's not always easy for me to do this, but I know that it's necessary so I make it a priority. Since I've recently gotten back on my health kick, it serves as my me time. I get lost in the silence or the music while I'm on the elliptical or I drive in silence and just think. Sometimes, I get up a little earlier than the kids or stay up after they're put to bed to enjoy the peace and quite. Whatever I have to do, I do it and it makes a world of difference.
What do you do that brings you closer to yourself on a daily basis???
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