Please Note ...
Never be the same Fool Twice ... always learn from the dumb sh*t you gotta go through, otherwise you're just as dumb as the sh*t.
I'm Just a {B}Logger at Heart ...
So ... I'm working on a new project that included me looking through all of my ancient journals!!! I love going back and realizing just how far I've come on soooo many different levels. One dream of mine was always to start up a magazine. Back in the day I would create all these little journals, seperate from my private ones, and let my friends read through them like it was an actual magazine! I ran across one and decided to share it with my blogger world. It was funny to me, because here I am almost 10 years later, still sharing all the craziness that runs through my mind ... hope you enjoy!!!
Everything that you go through in life is a step closer to where you want to be. Be it good or bad. You're going to have low points that make you wanna crawl under a rock and die. And you're gonna have high moments that will have you thinking that life couldn't possibly turn it's back on you. Regardless of what happens, you have to keep moving forward. Don't allow the bad times to pull you backwards and don't let the good times keep you stagnant. Recognize it all for what it is ... stepping stones.
Keep it movin'.
Easy like Sunday morning ...
Felt good when I woke up today. All is not perfect in my world lately ... but I'm alive, healthy, & able. So **** it, I'm good. Not doing much today. Gonna get some R&R and do what I love.

Every Woman Needs ...
to know her worth and what she will & won't accept.
Everyone deserves a break from everyday life. A time to gather your thoughts and figure out where you are in life. That's just what I've been doing for these couple days I've had off and I've come to some harsh realities. Only problem is ... now I have to figure out what to do about them. Keep moving like I don't know? Deal with it and the consequences that come along with dealing with it? Give myself time to think about what I really want, and not just what I want to do right now? I really don't know at this moment. So I guess I'll be up late tonight ... writing.
The girls threw a little bday celebration for me at work and the theme was SupaStar for a day. Check out the pics below ...
and the 'Most Anticipated Author' award goes to ...
the decor.
footnote ... see why I'm always to busy to call anyone???
It's my Destiny
the cake was filled with strawberries ... Mmmmm.
Special Thanks to Korri, Scarlett, Jazzy & my screamin' fan Vanessa ... love you girls!!!
And ....

It's EARTH DAY so be as green as you can be , and don't forget to turn off your lights for 1 minute at 9pm. {I have kiddies, of course I watch Nick}
Happy B~Day to Me ... Happy B~Day Little B ... and some otha sh*t

be back soon ... Cc.
Nite, nite.
Aiight ... I'm takin' my crazy ass to sleep.
It's TC, bitches.

I kind of fell into watching CandyGirls since it comes on right after Kimmy K & the crew, but I'm not mad that I did. It's always interesting to me to see how others live their lives {I like to watch drama vs. living it} Tonight's show portrayed Terricka in a very different light. I'm so used to the "bitch" but tonight she actually seemed real to me. No longer untouchable and unmoved. Love gets the best of us all and the blatant truth is the we DO care about what others think. We ARE afraid to put ourselves out there, because of all the risks involved. No one is immune to it, no matter who strong we may APPEAR to be. It was actually kind of refreshing and I like her more for it. It shows that the REAL strength is in taking those risk inspite of the naysayers.
Just Do It ... like Nike said.
I am the queen of procrastination.
There, I said it.

I'll know what I have to do ... decide when I'm going to do it. Create a whole entire plan to do it ... and I still won't do it. Why??? I guess it's something I need to right about, because I still don't know the answer to that one 3 days shy of 24 years. What I do know is that it's hindering me, and a great teacher once told me, 'any trait that you have that is hindering you, practice getting rid of it ... you can change anything that you want, all you have to do is want to'. So my plan today and everyday on, is to take heed to that great teacher. I was even procrastinating on writing this blog!! I'm laying there watching Candy Girls {1 of my guilty pleasures}, ideas upon ideas popping into my mind, but I'm also thinking ... I need to take my ass to sleep. I'm tired, but if I can stay up to watch some damn show I sure as hell can write what's on my mind. Especially since my last blog was about doing whatever it takes to do what you love! So yeah, here I am ... writing. And I'm making it a personal goal to be here every night. So prepare to be OD'ed on Cc, blogger world. I hope you're ready ...
There, I said it.

I'll know what I have to do ... decide when I'm going to do it. Create a whole entire plan to do it ... and I still won't do it. Why??? I guess it's something I need to right about, because I still don't know the answer to that one 3 days shy of 24 years. What I do know is that it's hindering me, and a great teacher once told me, 'any trait that you have that is hindering you, practice getting rid of it ... you can change anything that you want, all you have to do is want to'. So my plan today and everyday on, is to take heed to that great teacher. I was even procrastinating on writing this blog!! I'm laying there watching Candy Girls {1 of my guilty pleasures}, ideas upon ideas popping into my mind, but I'm also thinking ... I need to take my ass to sleep. I'm tired, but if I can stay up to watch some damn show I sure as hell can write what's on my mind. Especially since my last blog was about doing whatever it takes to do what you love! So yeah, here I am ... writing. And I'm making it a personal goal to be here every night. So prepare to be OD'ed on Cc, blogger world. I hope you're ready ...
Back to Me.

New layout . . . and some otha new sh*t

Some otha updates ....

So far I'm just downloading music & photos. I'll tackle the other stuff as I go. I also want to download a fitness app to track my progress. If you have one, feel free to enlighten me on otha stuff you can do with up ... I know there has to be more!

Where you can read ME ...
Hey Peps,
I've recently updated the 'where you can read me' section of my blog. It goes as follows ...
* Cc's Channel is my youtube page. Right now you can find videos that I love. Eventually I'll be posting videos myself & the fam so you can get a closer look at the real me ;-)
* Cc's Monthly Updates is my RedRoom page. There you will find monthly updates on books and any other up & comings dealings. Updates are done on the 22nd day of each month.
* Cc's Poetry Corner is my Triond page. There you can find mainly poetry I've written & soon, a few articles that I've written.
*Cc's Black Writer Page is a community I've recently joined to connect with more writers. They say you are who you hang around!
I've recently updated the 'where you can read me' section of my blog. It goes as follows ...
* Cc's Channel is my youtube page. Right now you can find videos that I love. Eventually I'll be posting videos myself & the fam so you can get a closer look at the real me ;-)
* Cc's Monthly Updates is my RedRoom page. There you will find monthly updates on books and any other up & comings dealings. Updates are done on the 22nd day of each month.
* Cc's Poetry Corner is my Triond page. There you can find mainly poetry I've written & soon, a few articles that I've written.
*Cc's Black Writer Page is a community I've recently joined to connect with more writers. They say you are who you hang around!
~Stay tuned ... there's soo much more to come~
Please Note ...
It's NOT what you do ... It's HOW you do it.
I got Tagged!

1) I'm damn near legally blind ... seriously, but my new glasses almost make up for it {love them}
2) I'm a paralegal.
3) My 3rd favorite past time is target practice at the range.
4) My Hubby is my very first love.
5) My daughter was born on her father's bday ... my gift to him!
6) I'm Bahama bound for my 24th B-day!!!
. . . AND . . .
7) My family is complete ... I don't ever want to be preggers again in this lifetime. Real Talk.
So, there you have it. 7 things that I'm sure you didn't know about me, and to be honest ... that was kind of hard!! Hope you enjoyed.
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