So, I'm finally back on track with my workouts and dieting ... waaaay back when I first started this blog I was just getting back into whipping this body back into pre-
baby shape. I've loooonnnggg since run out of baby-blame considering my baby is now 2 years old!!! But I must admit that I fell off. I won't bore you with my many excuses and will get directly to the point ... I was being lazy. I had ever single advantage to get this right and I didn't. So excuses aside, I'm blogging to add some accountability to this goal.

Please, please, please feel free to grace me with any tips, comments or just good ole' motivation ... I will need it all!!!! The plan is to post my progress every Tuesday. However, DO NOT count on weight updates until I'm a lil' closer to my goal ... I'm just not ready for that yet!!
Anyhow, wish me luck ... here goes everything.
The Plan {Daily}
Elliptical 20 minutes
{working my way up to an hour}
3 meals/2 snacks
64oz water; no juices/soda
{I don't drink soda anyways so that shouldn't be too hard}
The Goal: Feel better, more energy & look great!!
Hey Niece! :)
I will most certainly say that it was you who motivated my exercise methods that I maintain till this very day. I don't want to post this, (lest the others find out and jock our steelo!), but it was the TAEBO. Yes, I still do TAEBO. I bought an entire set on ebay for like 15 bucks. I find it more convenient to work out in my own home, not have to worry about leaving the home or waiting certain days. I just pop in the tape whenever I feel. I mean, of course you have to have discipline, but I think you get my drift. I must be honest, I have been slipping lately and I gained five lbs, but overall, I have lost thirty pounds. College is nothing but a camp for skinny people to get big lol. Anywho, I like your blog page. And you were right, what you said about family, but hey, what can we do? All we can do is move forward and do what is in our hearts. I love you, later.
Hey you!!!
I remember the Taebo days!!! Back when I was always fit & fine!! I might try that and see how it works for me now, the only thing is the kiddies will probably be trying to workout with me and be ALL in the way. O'well, it's not like they don't try to get on the elliptical when I'm not looking!!! How's everything going???
I'm doing okay, trying to hurry up and be done with school so that I can start working. I'm going to be honest with you, I have no idea what an elliptical is lol. Maybe it's something I can add into my routine. I don't know if anyone has told you, but my husband is back from his "vacation". I'm all too thrilled about that. Oh, and I am still waiting on "Every Woman Needs a Plan". I need some other material from our African American people that seem a little more realistic to me. I mean hey, I love Eric Jerome Dickey, Omar Tyree, and all the rest of the best, but those books still lack something to me. I can't read most of them and place myself in the situation of the main character because things like that just don't seem to happen to alot of people where we come from. At 13, we don't have parents filling our closets to the rim with designer clothes, and we don't know many people that run five miles around universities four times a week. I don't mean to ramble, just my thoughts lol. But I do look forward to it :)
I'm doing okay, trying to hurry up and be done with school so that I can start working. I'm going to be honest with you, I have no idea what an elliptical is lol. Maybe it's something I can add into my routine. I don't know if anyone has told you, but my husband is back from his "vacation". I'm all too thrilled about that. Oh, and I am still waiting on "Every Woman Needs a Plan". I need some other material from our African American people that seem a little more realistic to me. I mean hey, I love Eric Jerome Dickey, Omar Tyree, and all the rest of the best, but those books still lack something to me. I can't read most of them and place myself in the situation of the main character because things like that just don't seem to happen to alot of people where we come from. At 13, we don't have parents filling our closets to the rim with designer clothes, and we don't know many people that run five miles around universities four times a week. I don't mean to ramble, just my thoughts lol. But I do look forward to it :)
Lmao .. that;s the truth, though. It should be out december this year. Right on time for the holiday season! I'm glad your hubby's back, hope all esle is well.
Luv Ya!!!
lol it's funny you've posted this. my next blog is gonna be a "i'm too lazy" to workout post too. at least you have a plan. i am so lazy that at this point i just wanna be fat now.
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