Book Reviews

Attention all self-publishing authors!

I have decided to review the books of self-published authors, exclusively! As a self-published author myself, I know first hand how hard it is to get an honest review simply because there is no big named publisher backing you. For this reason a great chunk of SP work is lacking when it comes to content, editing, and even style. Or its almost impossible to get the word out about your book because no one wants to be the FIRST to test it out. With a review, readers will have a trustworthy source to base their purchase on.
Self-published books will be accepted by mail for hard/paperback copies, or by email for ebook formats. Please, also send a short bio and pictures of yourself and your book cover to with the subject heading as BOOK REVIEW INQUIRY. Author's sending by mail will recieve the mailing address once the inquiry is received.

Authors will have the option of providing a book for a GIVEAWAY. This is completely up to the author and may generate a bigger buzz about the book.

The review will include my rating from 0-5 stars and my explanation of the rating. A picture of the author and/or book cover. A short author bio and any links that the author wants to include.
Book Review Legend

★ Minimal to no spelling errors

★ Proper grammar used

★ Ideas flow together

★ Holds reader's attention

★ Book is helpful and/or entertaining

Each element is worth one star. Therefore, a book with 0 stars will need a complete rehaul in my opinion. A book with 3 stars may just need to be properly edited before being distributed and a book with 5 stars is a MUST READ!

Please be advised that all reviews will be completely honest and from my POV. I will never be harsh or rude, however I will not sugar coat anything. As a courtesy, the author will receive my completed review before it goes live on my site.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise


Anonymous said...

I'm working on being published hopefully by the end of this year I'll definitely keep you in mind. As a matter of fact I'm saving this page as a favorite so I will not forget = ]

Ciara Denise said...

Please do! Looking forward to it ☺

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