I'm a work at home Mommy, so I'm always looking for ways to make money online. Recently, I found out about CASH4BOOKS.NET ... I have tons of books that I no longer use and this site not only buys your books, they pay for you to ship it to them!! Needless to say, I love them ;) I've sent off my first shipment and am expecting over $100 in the next few days. I'll keep u posted!! Here's a link if you want to make some extra money yourself ... Cash4Books Website
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Do It Anyway
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.
~Author Unknown~
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.
~Author Unknown~
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
EWNAP is the book of the week on Lala Anthony's website! Besure to check it out!!
Thank you Lala & Jazmyn **muah**
Watch out for scams!
Continue reading on Examiner.com Watch out for scams! - Orlando Work-at-Home Moms
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
How to avoid cabin fever when working from home
One of the great things about working outside of the home is getting out of the house every day! The sunshine wakes you up and you stay connected with the outside world by mingling with co-workers and passers-by. When working a job that requires set hours or a lot of hours, it’s very easy to spend the entire day indoors. You might even begin to make convenient changes to avoid having to go outdoors when everything else you need is right at your fingertips, so to speak. It’s important, however, to make sure that you do get out of the house in some way shape or form to avoid cabin fever. Being confined indoors for extended periods of time can not only lead to you burning out more quickly, it can also leave you out of touch with the real world! Finding a balance is the key and living in Orlando makes it super easy because there is always something to do! Here a few tips on how to create a healthy balance when what you do keeps you indoors. READ FULL ARTICLE
♥ Ciara Denise
♥ Ciara Denise
Happy Independence Day!!
The Lewis Fam will be enjoying the view from Lake Eola tonight!
Pics will be posted
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Pics will be posted
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Picture from http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
Paid writing!
If you love to write like I do, you'll love this op!!
Become an examiner for your city on Examiner.com and write on topics that you love.
Use this link to sign up http://exm.nr/lvhegS
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Picture from http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
Is an at-home business or job right for you?
Working from home could mean, for some, the perfect career. In most cases you set your own hours and have very minimal supervision. No annoying co-workers or over –bearing supervisors watching your every move. You can cut numerous expenses, such as child care, commute and wardrobe. However, working from home is not for everyone! It takes self-discipline and a lot of focus to be surrounded by your comfort zone and still be productive. Distractions from every angle are ever present, including all of the things that you really want to be doing (i.e. TV, Facebook, etc.). Even some other things that you’d normally put off (i.e. chores) are within your peripheral view and for some reason, become harder to ignore. Children and pets are also huge distractions when trying to put in hours at an at-home career. And since there is no one standing over you, the temptations are very easy to indulge in. Below are some tips on what you can expect when working from home and how to avoid or overcome them should you choose to move forward with your at-home career. READ ENTIRE ARTICLE
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Thank you, thank you ... you're far too kind, lol!
~The Rules~
1. Link back to the person who passed you the award √
2. Share 7 random things about yourself √
2. Share 7 random things about yourself √
3. Award 15 blogs √
4. Drop them a note and tell them about it √
~My 7 Randoms~
1. Recently had a baby girl {this time, I'm done for real!}
2. I'm a Work @Home Mommy ☺
3. I recently became the Work @Home Mommy for Orlando's Examiner.com {I'll post here when I write new articles there}
4. I'm reading The Vixen Manual for the first time {even though I've had it for over a year}
5. I'm new to Twitter ... @CiaraDenise ... {I know, I'm later than late ☺}
6. I love reading blogs! {so drop me a comment with your blog address & I'll follow u 2}
7. I'm an author {you may have known that ☺}
... And the award goes to ...
I ♥ all of these blogs for one reason or another, so you should check them out
& tell them Cc sent you ☺
Summer, Summer, Summertime!!!
It's officially the very 1st day of summer!
Even though it's been feeling like summer since the start of Spring for some of us! Today marks the first day of the FUN season. Baby Lewis is all settled in and I'm adjusting way better than I thought I would. So I'm back to doing what I love ... writing ☺ As a Mommy, I know how quickly having the kiddies home from school can turn into a headache {I have 3 + a newborn running around here!} So I've compiled a new list of inexpensive ways to entertain them and ourselves. Hopefully, once August rolls around we'll still have our homes & sanity in tact!!
♦ Play School - Summer is prime time for kids to get lazy on learning. Head over to www.handwritingworksheets.com and print out fun activities that teach and entertain. You could also break out the coloring books for smaller kids or the flash cards for older kids. It's never too early to start practicing! Mommy perks: smart kids, quiet time & absolutely free
♦ Water Fun - It's hot. What other excuse do you need to find the nearest pool or beach?! Pick up some some beach balls & water games from your neighborhood Walmart and splash it up, while staying cool!
Mommy perks: usually free, worn-out kids after & tons of fun
♦ Bowling - AMF Bowling Centers offer free summer bowling for kiddies!! They even offer adult bowling at discounted prices. It's one of our favorite things to do as a family. The Wii is fun, but it's nothing like the real thing, baby! Sign-up for the kids free coupon at http://www.amfbowling.com/
Mommy perks: cheap fun, family time, worn-out kids after
♦ Wii & other games - Which brings me to my next option! Summer is all about getting some sun, but lets face it - it's also Stormy season. For those rainy days, nothing beats boredom like finding something to do together. Pull out the Wii remotes or the Scrabble board and get lost in the game until the sun is back!
Mommy perks: keep the kids busy, or play with them & never be bored again
♦ Sight-seeing - No matter how long you've lived in your town, there's always something new to see! Maybe a trip to the zoo or seaquarium, even a museum. Take a train ride like we did (that post), and have the kids point out areas they recognize and choose a fun destination!
Mommy perks: cheap fun, worn-out kids
♦ Movie Nights - If you have a game console you can make movie night (or day) super affordable! www.Netflix.com allows you to virtually rent movies and play them right on your home system. We pay about $8 a month after a free month trial and have movie night every weekend! Another rainy day option or you can find your closest $1 movie and take the family out for a very inexpensive date ☺
Mommy perks: quiet kids, good movies
♦ Internet - Is it sad that my 3 year old can almost navigate the Internet better than me ... and she can't even read!? Lol ☺www.Nickjr.com keeps her busy for hours when it's just me & her and I'm working on my computer. It teaches them as well, so let them go for it!
Mommy perks: smart kids, quiet time, & absolutely free
♦ Story Telling - The summer is the perfect time to get lost in a good book. I'm an avid reader and the kiddies love a good story as well. Gather at bedtime or better yet, camp out in the living room and share stories. Let the little ones practice reading to improve their skills.
Mommy perks: smart kids, fun times ☺
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Even though it's been feeling like summer since the start of Spring for some of us! Today marks the first day of the FUN season. Baby Lewis is all settled in and I'm adjusting way better than I thought I would. So I'm back to doing what I love ... writing ☺ As a Mommy, I know how quickly having the kiddies home from school can turn into a headache {I have 3 + a newborn running around here!} So I've compiled a new list of inexpensive ways to entertain them and ourselves. Hopefully, once August rolls around we'll still have our homes & sanity in tact!!
♦ Play School - Summer is prime time for kids to get lazy on learning. Head over to www.handwritingworksheets.com and print out fun activities that teach and entertain. You could also break out the coloring books for smaller kids or the flash cards for older kids. It's never too early to start practicing! Mommy perks: smart kids, quiet time & absolutely free
♦ Water Fun - It's hot. What other excuse do you need to find the nearest pool or beach?! Pick up some some beach balls & water games from your neighborhood Walmart and splash it up, while staying cool!
Mommy perks: usually free, worn-out kids after & tons of fun
♦ Bowling - AMF Bowling Centers offer free summer bowling for kiddies!! They even offer adult bowling at discounted prices. It's one of our favorite things to do as a family. The Wii is fun, but it's nothing like the real thing, baby! Sign-up for the kids free coupon at http://www.amfbowling.com/
Mommy perks: cheap fun, family time, worn-out kids after
♦ Wii & other games - Which brings me to my next option! Summer is all about getting some sun, but lets face it - it's also Stormy season. For those rainy days, nothing beats boredom like finding something to do together. Pull out the Wii remotes or the Scrabble board and get lost in the game until the sun is back!
Mommy perks: keep the kids busy, or play with them & never be bored again
♦ Sight-seeing - No matter how long you've lived in your town, there's always something new to see! Maybe a trip to the zoo or seaquarium, even a museum. Take a train ride like we did (that post), and have the kids point out areas they recognize and choose a fun destination!
Mommy perks: cheap fun, worn-out kids
♦ Movie Nights - If you have a game console you can make movie night (or day) super affordable! www.Netflix.com allows you to virtually rent movies and play them right on your home system. We pay about $8 a month after a free month trial and have movie night every weekend! Another rainy day option or you can find your closest $1 movie and take the family out for a very inexpensive date ☺
Mommy perks: quiet kids, good movies
♦ Internet - Is it sad that my 3 year old can almost navigate the Internet better than me ... and she can't even read!? Lol ☺www.Nickjr.com keeps her busy for hours when it's just me & her and I'm working on my computer. It teaches them as well, so let them go for it!
Mommy perks: smart kids, quiet time, & absolutely free
♦ Story Telling - The summer is the perfect time to get lost in a good book. I'm an avid reader and the kiddies love a good story as well. Gather at bedtime or better yet, camp out in the living room and share stories. Let the little ones practice reading to improve their skills.
Mommy perks: smart kids, fun times ☺
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
I've been M.I.A ...
... and this is why! Good reason, right?!?!
Be back more sooner than later, guys ...
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Where I'm at ...
This is an important lesson to remember when you’re having a bad day, a bad month, or a shitty year. Things will change: you won’t feel this way forever. Sometimes the hardest lessons to learn are the ones your soul needs most. After all, you can’t truly be happy if you’ve never known pain. You can’t feel real joy unless you’ve felt heartache. You can’t know what it’s like to be filled unless you’ve been empty. You can’t have a sense of victory unless you know what it means to fail. You can’t know what it’s like to feel holy until you know what it’s like to feel really fucking evil. And you can’t be birthed again until you’ve died.
~ Kelly Cutrone via ThisisNecole.com
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
~ Kelly Cutrone via ThisisNecole.com
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
My 1st Freebies!!!
... from womanfreebies.com have arrived!! I don't know about you but I love getting free stuff, especially when I can actually use it ☺Check it out ...
A cute makeup bag, coupon book worth over $25 & Revlon Colorburst sample ...
Pantene shampoo sample, Nivea lotion sample, Neutrogena Naturals lip balm, & Fekkai Shea Butter shampoo/conditioner samples ...
All the goodies I received for FREE courtesy of Target.com!!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
EWNAP now available as an Ebook!!
You can now purchase a paperback copy of EWNAP from Amazon HERE for $9.99 OR get the ebook version HERE for only $4.99!! Either way, you do not want to miss the down-to-earth advice I offer to be everything you want to be without becoming over-whelmed!!
The BUY NOW link is to the right ☺ ---->
Once you get your copy, don't forget to stop back to let me know what you think!!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Spring Reading
We are quickly approaching my fav season, and I as I begin to prepare my home & life for bloom I've been considering what I'll be reading this Spring! Here are my picks .... and I'll be posting some notes and key elements as I go. Basically anything I find worth repeating.
What will your Spring Reading consist of???
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise

♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Who doesn't LOVE discounts on their fav stuff or better yet FREE SAMPLES of their fav stuff?!?!?!?
I know I do, but I usually don't fall into the hype because most of the freebies or giveaways are tied to giving up info that I would never recommend giving out or signing up to a bunch of SPAM that no one wants.
I took a chance on WOMANFREEBIES.COM aaannnndddd ..... I have not yet been disappointed!! Free food, free samples, discounts at my fav stores ... I've gotten it all, without inputting a credit card or joining some ridiculous {pay-per-month} club ☺The only newsletters I get are from companies that I love anyway, so I don't mind. So, yes I cosign ☺
I know I do, but I usually don't fall into the hype because most of the freebies or giveaways are tied to giving up info that I would never recommend giving out or signing up to a bunch of SPAM that no one wants.

♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Get 5 things done ...
10 more things get added to the list ... Not complaining, just saying #thelifeofaneverywoman
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Book Reviews
Attention all self-publishing authors!
I have decided to review the books of self-published authors, exclusively! As a self-published author myself, I know first hand how hard it is to get an honest review simply because there is no big named publisher backing you. For this reason a great chunk of SP work is lacking when it comes to content, editing, and even style. Or its almost impossible to get the word out about your book because no one wants to be the FIRST to test it out. With a review, readers will have a trustworthy source to base their purchase on.
Self-published books will be accepted by mail for hard/paperback copies, or by email for ebook formats. Please, also send a short bio and pictures of yourself and your book cover to Info@CcDenise.com with the subject heading as BOOK REVIEW INQUIRY. Author's sending by mail will recieve the mailing address once the inquiry is received.
Authors will have the option of providing a book for a GIVEAWAY. This is completely up to the author and may generate a bigger buzz about the book.
The review will include my rating from 0-5 stars and my explanation of the rating. A picture of the author and/or book cover. A short author bio and any links that the author wants to include.
Book Review Legend
★ Minimal to no spelling errors
★ Proper grammar used
★ Ideas flow together
★ Holds reader's attention
★ Book is helpful and/or entertaining
Each element is worth one star. Therefore, a book with 0 stars will need a complete rehaul in my opinion. A book with 3 stars may just need to be properly edited before being distributed and a book with 5 stars is a MUST READ!
I have decided to review the books of self-published authors, exclusively! As a self-published author myself, I know first hand how hard it is to get an honest review simply because there is no big named publisher backing you. For this reason a great chunk of SP work is lacking when it comes to content, editing, and even style. Or its almost impossible to get the word out about your book because no one wants to be the FIRST to test it out. With a review, readers will have a trustworthy source to base their purchase on.
Self-published books will be accepted by mail for hard/paperback copies, or by email for ebook formats. Please, also send a short bio and pictures of yourself and your book cover to Info@CcDenise.com with the subject heading as BOOK REVIEW INQUIRY. Author's sending by mail will recieve the mailing address once the inquiry is received.
Authors will have the option of providing a book for a GIVEAWAY. This is completely up to the author and may generate a bigger buzz about the book.
The review will include my rating from 0-5 stars and my explanation of the rating. A picture of the author and/or book cover. A short author bio and any links that the author wants to include.
Book Review Legend
★ Minimal to no spelling errors
★ Proper grammar used
★ Ideas flow together
★ Holds reader's attention
★ Book is helpful and/or entertaining
Each element is worth one star. Therefore, a book with 0 stars will need a complete rehaul in my opinion. A book with 3 stars may just need to be properly edited before being distributed and a book with 5 stars is a MUST READ!
Please be advised that all reviews will be completely honest and from my POV. I will never be harsh or rude, however I will not sugar coat anything. As a courtesy, the author will receive my completed review before it goes live on my site.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Every Woman Spotlight!
Nominate yourself or someone else by emailing the following to Info@CcDenise.com with the subject titled EW SPOTLIGHT.
Please include ...
- Your name & email address
- Name of Nominee {if not yourself}
- Picture of Nominee
- What makes me an Every Woman?
- Typical daily schedule
- Favorite quote
- Any contact or product info
Every Woman Spotlight will be a monthly inclusion to Cc's Notebook. The first nominee will be posted on April 1, 2011 and every month there after. EW Spotlight is a simple token of appreciation to the women who truly do it all! Put the spotlight on your accomplishments & endeavors!!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Spring Anticipation
My flowers are already starting to bloom ...
Can't wait for Spring! My fav season ☺
March 20, 2011
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
To three, or not to three ... that is the "real" question.
If you're like me, you haven't missed an episode of The Game since 1/11/11! Although there are some characters and scenarios that I'm currently voting to have written off {{ I strongly dislike the new BritBrat}}, I still love the "real life" issues that are tackled on the show. In fact, there's probably alot to be learned from that lifestyle, whether you have it or not ... here's a bit of what I've got so far.
No one really wants to share their man with another woman {{or man, for that matter}} Before you find yourself in a situation that you can not handle, you'd better think it ALL the way through.
Babies don't keep men ... But a good man will always put his child first.
Crazy desperation is NOT a good look for anyone ... as cute as she is, she doesn't wear crazy well.
Let him go if he don't want you.
What you do, does affect your kids ... but you are still the parent. Beat your kids & don't let them talk to you any kind of way because what they don't learn at home, someone else {{who doesn't care one bleep about them}} will teach them.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
{{All pics from Bet.com}}
Coming soon, and I can't wait!!
It's been awhile since I've anticipated an upcoming movie, but this looks GOOD.
With Mike Epps & Ms. Tasha ... you cannot go wrong!
Plus, I'm a simple romantic at ♥ ...
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Sneak Peak into EWNAP!!!!
Have you been waiting for a sneak peak into my debut book, "Every Woman Needs a Plan"?!?!? Of course you have and the wait is over, lol! Check out the first pages of EWNAP in this new article from CHICKLITGURRL at the following link : CLICK HERE!
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
Happy 2011 ... I know, I know ☺
I'm late as all get out, but this year has already proven to be VERY eventful ... more to come, ladies!!
I brought in the New Year with my favorite people & I hope everyone else did the same.
♥Ciara "Cc" Denise
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