Life takes its stand on things
and you just have to figure out
what it is that you truly want from this
sans negative thoughts and doubts.
If you really believe that it can happen
then that's where the journey begins
You have to know that whatever it is
you'll only get out what you put in.
There's nothing wrong with taking a few steps
even if you're not sure to where it may lead
The important part is that you've taken that step
to cultivate the growth of that seed.
Every successful venture out there
started as "just" an idea
So that's my motivation to succeed
in the 2nd century and the 10th year.
I agree often times its having the courage to take the initial step that makes the difference. Then once that step is taken having the dedication to push through even when it feels pointless. Im inspired to make this life what I want it to be and hopefully inspiring others to do the same :)
thank you so much for such an encouraging word. i needed to be reminded of that. i hope your ideas come to fruition this year.
Your blog is dope!!
Please check out and follow my blog
You wont be disappointed...its worth the time.
Thanks in advance
Thank you ladies!
Those are lovely encouraging words :)
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